Abhishek Yadav Tedx

Only #1 in India
TEDx Speaker on Stammering
Abhishek Yadav
International Speech Therapist

Guaranteed Stammering Treatment Permanent 100% Treat Your Stammering with International Expert

Abhishek yadav tedx

Abhishek Yadav
TEDx Speaker (International Speech Therapist and Psychology Instructor)

Abhishek Yadav is only Indian Person to speak on international platform TEDx about Stammering

He is recognized as Inernational Speech Therapist, he was once a stammer himself have treated thousands of people across the globe, he has done intensive research on Stammering with Dr Michael Samuel (USA).

Cure Your Stammering Today

WORLD'S first course which is based on Speech Therapy, Human Psychology "Available in HINDI"

Full Stammering Treatment Course in HINDI हकलाने से छुटकारा

-NO Blockages -Can speak to any random stranger -Confidence in PUBLIC SPEAKING -NO Stucking of Words -Confidence in talking to RANDOM STRANGERS

A New Learning Expereience

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